Monday, April 14, 2008

how long has this been my life?

One of my favorite times of the week is when I'm on the highway driving to or from Avoca. It's one of the only times I am alone to just think. Many of you have probably heard that Oakland University was completely cancelled today due to several specific threats to the students and the school. This is weighing on my mind with loved ones that attend the college, and hoping for their safety with the recent tragedies of Virginia Tech in mind. I can not personally wrap my mind around the act or even the thought of intentionally hurting others so sadistically. Whether it was a joke, cry for help or just negative attention at OU, it's not something to be taken lightly. 
         It really makes me wonder how we have become this way. And if it is irreversible. It always seems to come back for me, to simple compassion. Do unto others as you wish to have done to you. I talk to my sister who is currently learning to raise a child for the first time, and we both agree that it is a lack of humility, compassion, morality and faith that is disintegrating humanity. Granted there are so many other factors in each individuals life influencing them, but if everyone could unselfishly learn to care for each other, just imagine how it could change the world. 
This weekend I saw the film "No Country for Old Men" and I was moved. I am so critical of movies anymore, and it sounds strange but I truly don't enjoy them for the most part. But this movie really got me thinking. How different our world is now, compared to even what our parents knew. I truly believe I am the child of a dying breed. And it interests me to learn how to preserve what is leaving us. Not only our environment, with the wave of improving our earth taking over us, but also the intangible mentality of what once was.

haha ok kind of a lot to ponder for 9 in the morning. I have lots of new art to post, so stay tuned folkies.

1 comment:

Daniel Shoaf said...

Thats kind of a bummer you don't like movies anymore. No Country for Old Men was really really really really good though. Your lamb/girl painting looked great!!! Any plans for after you graduate?