Monday, May 26, 2008

Everyone has weird phobias, right?

Ok, so I was enjoying my new wireless connection in my bedroom, and decided I was in need of strawberry ice cream. Walking down the stairs to my dismay is an eerily familiar movie scene on the television. Within seconds it hits me. And I hurdle over the couch and lunge at the t.v. to turn it off before his creepy little face appears. Who in their right mind left it on E.T.???! 

Yeah, I know what you are thinking... he is harmless and cute, whatever. Do not be fooled. He is an alien, and he is plotting against you. 

My fear of this alien started back in second grade. My sister and I were laying in bed talking after everyone had gone to sleep. The hallway lights started flashing, and this thing walked into our room. To this day I have no clue what that was all about, but it was weird and scary, and to us E.T. was weird and scary. So naturally we decided it was E.T. To this day my family makes fun of us for "seeing E.T."

Earlier today, I was out resalin' and garage salin' and came across an E.T. coffee cup. I nearly had a heart attack.

And now I have to wait at least 2 hours before I turn the tv back on, in case his face shows up on the screen. Really, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Watching my back in case his wrinkly little, blinky finger taps me on the shoulder....


Unknown said...

I don't blame you, he's terrifying. "Eeeeeeeeellllliiiiooootttttttt..."

Kaylen Conley said...

oh my gosh, instant chills..