Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It has been a very long time, and I am getting back on that horse.
This is a new year and a new start and here is a new place you can catch some of my work:

1 comment:

Chelsea Kirchoff said...

Kaylen! These photos are so expressive. I like your green coat! I'm glad you wandered over to my blog. I have NOT seen the movie you speak of, but I will most certainly check it out. I don't mind you creeping or stalking me! It's always nice to receive comments from people that don't usually frequent my blog. I update everyday so feel free to stop back by! I AM SO GLAD YOU KNOW ABOUT RETURN TO OZ! Gossshhh! I watched it and memories just FLOODED back to me. What a grade A movie. Anyway, I'll check back to see what you're up to.
