Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh, I thought you knew..

Happy Oktober friends. It is most definitely fall and I adore the first few weeks of authentic fresh air and a change of color. But we know what's next, so I'll cherish these next couple weeks a little more dearly.
We. have. a. Home.
I am so +positive now.

This is Raspberry. She is pretty chill.

L- Rosalie R- Pina (like the colada)
Our seasoning kittens.

Aaron and I are still kind of figuring it all out. Call me lame, but I know this is true. The past challenges were what made this possible. I feel so humbled and alive.
I am starting to get into the swing of the new jobs- sales in Auburn Hills, nannying at home, contingent beauty advisor in Port Huron, and last but not least freelance artist. Somehow it all comes together like a patchwork quilt.
Falyn and Jaes teach me so much, I should be paying them for our days together.

This is my studio room/ the kids room/ guest room. I am ready to start some more commission pieces shortly!

The kids do well in the space. Jaes likes to play in my cupboards.

Everyday we have Wizard of Oz marathons. Falyn is obsessed with the movie, it is all she talks about. She found my red high heels, and wears her "ruby slippers" all day.

Hopefully I will have some more work to post within the week. Now my dream of high speed internet has unfolded, haha, so much more posts from me. Be prepared.


Post Script:
My favorite song right now. So piercingly honest, it breaks my heart. It inspires me to be more honest and show myself in what I produce without fear.

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